Covid-19 Guidelines for Working on Site for Clifton Bristol Decorators
Covid-19 Guidelines for Working on Site for Clifton Bristol Decorators
We endeavour to provide the Best possible protection to our staff, customers and families in these strange times, which is why we are all following Government Covid-19 Best Working practices Guidelines. We want to work with clients to keep them safe and comfortable so please let us know if you have and special requirements we can help with.
Ensure all employees have read and understood these guidelines.
For jobs where working with multiple other trades to draw -up a Risk Assessment.
Working on site
To keep employees and volunteers safe we should:
- make sure on-site employees can spot symptoms
- tell workers with symptoms to quarantine immediately
- explain new procedure and provide training where necessary
- consider the protected characteristics of your employees when making decisions, and to prevent discrimination. Considering the individual capabilities when deciding on Work schedules.
All Employees will:
Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and wash hands regularly
Wear face covering when entering people’s homes or talking to customers
Make space by staying at least 2 meters apart, or 1 metre apart with a face covering with each other and other people in the work space.
Working in other people’s homes
To minimise risk from travelling we should:
- regularly clean company vehicles used for transport
- limit the number of passengers
- match workers to nearby locations to limit any transport
- allocate workers to the same teams and homes every day where possible
- make appointments online or over the phone wherever feasible
At the home you should:
- wash your hands when you arrive and leave
- ask for all doors in the home to be open so you do not have to touch handles
- avoid busy spaces like corridors where possible
- bring your own food to avoid going outside
- not share things like tools where possible
- We should clean our work areas when we leave each day
- clean work areas, surfaces and equipment frequently between use with cleaning products
- clean busy areas frequently and thoroughly
- restrict the use of items that are touched often
- provide bin liners or rubble sacks for rubbish and maintain a clean site
- clear workspaces and remove waste and belongings from the area at the end of a shift
- use different gowns and towels for each client
- cover possessions and furniture with new polythene heavy duty dust protectors to avoid accidental contact
- reduce or avoid use of any non-personal kit
Regularly clean
Other people’s homes
When working in people’s home’s we need to minimise the risk of passing infection on to other people.
We should:
Work alone, in Bubble Pairs or Small Bubble Groups Dependent on the Physical scale of the work and level of Tier in place.
Minimize contact with clients and wherever possible ask clients to restrict their movements at home to areas in which we are not working in during the day.
When communicating directly with customers to where face masks and to maintain the 2m social distancing measures.
- wash our hands frequently for 20 seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing or blowing our nose
- cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve – not our hands – and throw the tissue in the bin immediately and wash our hands
- clean objects and surfaces that you touch regularly, using our usual cleaning products
- carry hand sanitiser even if there’s nowhere to wash your hands
- follow hygiene measures when tools or supplies, such as building supplies, are delivered to a home
- collect materials in bulk to reduce how often we visit shops to buy or collect materials
- get rid of waste in bulk if possible
- remove all waste and belongings at the end of a job and arrange with the householder how to safely dispose of the waste.
Signed : M. L. Brown, Owner of Clifton Bristol Decorators